Thursday, February 18, 2010


I feel a desperate need to bitch today, so this will all probably sound like I'm whining and complaining, and to that I with it or don't read.

I miss writing. A LOT. I used to write RPG things all of the time, I loved it, I really did. But due to some stupid circumstances, I haven't been able to do that anymore. There was a certain person that put down my ideas, my characters, and anything I did so badly that it has made me unable to get any new ideas. I feel as if my creativity has been completely sucked out of me. I can't get an idea for a storyline, a character...anything...NOTHING. This frustrates me to no end. Writing was my outlet...the one thing that was mine. Somewhere I could go where it was just for me. Something that wasn't my husband or my kids. Yes, when I wrote, I escaped into my character's world and yes, my real life was still waiting for me when I was done, but at least I had that for a little while. And now that it's gone...what do I have left that's just for me?

Second bitch of the life. My car, my job, my relationship with certain people...SUCK. I've said many times that I know that my situation could be worse, like a bajillion times worse...I understand that. But there has to be more. And how do I find this elusive "more"? Can someone clue me in on that one?

Third bitch...DIETING SUCKS! Ok, well, this part isn't so much of a bitch...I just miss chocolate. I'm currently on Day 3 of my diet and I'm doing quite well. I need to work in some more exercise though. I'm tired of being, well, me. I want/need to get healthy, so I'm really hoping this will work for me. Oh, cooking...I miss chocolate and cooking. I mean, I guess I could cook, but that means having to cook two different meals. One for all the freaking dudes in my house and one for me. And seriously? Who feels like doing that? BLAH!

Fourth own children are still treating me like crap. Goodie.

So that's it. The first blog I've written in a while and it's a bitchfest...oh freaking well.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry sweets. Everyone is entitled to a bitchfest now and again though:) And, haha, if you want a diet partner, I'll do it! I just started mine a few days ago too...
